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Noncommitted seniors invited to visit campus

(Spanish) Linfield University is inviting students to campus on Friday, May 17th to visit the school and view their Student Symposium!  They would love to personally invite graduating seniors who do not currently have college plans, but might be interested in Linfield if given the opportunity, the support, and the help to see themselves in college, including learning about their First Scholars program.  Students would have the opportunity to view and attend events throughout the symposium, which would allow them to see programs in action and learn about what they could experience.

When:             Friday, May 17th,  10 am to 2 pm

Where:            Linfield University

What:              An Opportunity to . . .

  • Learn about our First Scholars program and many financial supports for students

  • Tour campus, including classrooms, residence halls, and lunch in our dining hall (paid for by the Deans)

  • Attend events at the Student Symposium, where you can learn on-the-ground information about college life from students a few years ahead of you

  • Meet faculty and staff

  • Start your application at Linfield, if you are interested

Staff at the university will work with students who have not decided yet about college and discuss with them how they can access their programs, including how to be able to pay for college.

Click here to register and request transportation.