Calendar Survey Mcminnville School District Calendar Survey Mcminnville School District

Share your feedback via ThoughtExchange

(Spanish) The MSD Calendar Committee has developed four school calendar options for the upcoming school year. These options were developed based on last year’s feedback from families and staff about the value of having short breaks during the school year, as well as to better align with surrounding districts and districts in our athletic league. 

After gathering feedback from our stakeholders (staff, families and the community), a final option will be presented to the School Board for approval at their March 13 meeting.  The final option might not be one of the exact options outlined here, but could be a combination of options that better meet the needs of our stakeholders. The selected option will remain in place for the 2024-25 school year as well. 

The fundamental difference in the calendar options is whether to start school in August, the week before Labor Day, or to start the day after Labor Day.  (Important note: All options with an August start include a four-day Labor Day weekend.)

If the selected option is to start school in August, there are three options for placement of the additional break days. One is to release school earlier in June, another is to have the entire week of Thanksgiving off, and the other is to spread the days throughout the school year to create small breaks for students and staff. Click here for more details on all four options.

We would like to hear your thoughts before a final recommendation is brought to the School Board by our MSD Calendar Committee. Please click here to join a ThoughtExchange and share your views.