Masked contact will not require quarantine
The Oregon Health Authority has issued updated guidance on what constitutes an exposure to COVID-19. Unmasked indoor close contact in the K–12 school setting that occurs within 6 feet for 15 or more minutes constitutes exposure and warrants quarantine.
This includes the following:
- Mealtimes when masks cannot be worn
- Learning/curricular activities where masks may not be worn (e.g., band class, welding, swimming)
- School-related extracurricular activities where masks are not worn
Masked indoor close contact, regardless of distance, that occurs in the K–12 setting does not constitute exposure and does not require quarantine.
This includes the following settings:
- School buses
- Classrooms, bathrooms and hallways
- School-related extracurricular activities where universal masking is implemented
Outdoor close contact in the K–12 setting does not constitute exposure and does not warrant quarantine.
NOTE: Contact tracing should still occur for indoor unmasked exposures that occur during:
- mealtime close contacts
- unmasked learning close contacts
- unmasked extracurricular close contacts