Office of the Superintendent
McMinnville School District
August 2024
As required by Federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), the McMinnville
School District has had all facilities inspected for the presence of friable asbestos. The survey
identified the location and condition of asbestos-containing materials in accordance with the
Federal requirements.
A management plan has been developed to document the findings and to indicate what
preventative and response actions will need to be implemented by the school district. The plan
is designed to make our schools as safe as possible.
A copy of the plan for all schools is available for review at the District Office during the normal
business hours. A specific plan for each building is available at each school office.
The proper removal or protection of any asbestos containing material in our schools is a high
priority. We will continue to do everything possible to ensure the safety of all students, staff,
and other users of our buildings.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Brian Crain, Operations and Facilities Director
at 503.565.4006.