Fall Update McMinnville School District Fall Update McMinnville School District

We are excited about our school communities returning to full in person learning on September 7 and want to reassure you that our educators understand the importance of building strong relationships with students, while also addressing their learning needs.  As they plan for the welcoming back of all students, they are focused on helping them to accelerate skills in both academic and social-emotional learning.

As we approach the first day of school, we continue to monitor the local spread of COVID-19 and will implement layers of health protections against COVID-19 across every school building. We will remain firm on being guided by public health expertise, and in keeping to this commitment, we have listed our 2021-2022 School Year Health and Safety Measures Against COVID-19. We believe that these measures  will help us have a full-time, in-person learning experience for MSD students this school year.

2021-2022 Health and Safety Measures:

We will remain consistent with state requirements, and require all MSD staff (and partner staff) and PreK-12 students to wear masks when inside during the school day and on school buses, regardless of vaccination status.

We will allow students to remove their masks while outdoors. Parents can request, however, that their child wears a mask at all times and the school staff will work to ensure your child stays masked.

We will provide outside learning activities and learning breaks for students.

We will continue to ensure that there are age-appropriate masks in stock throughout our schools for use by students and adults.

We will, to the extent possible, maintain three (3) feet physical distance for students and staff.

We will continue to use HEPA filters in classrooms that do not meet the recommended air exchange rates.

We will continue to adhere to MERV 13 air filter standards in every school building.

We will continue to offer testing for symptomatic students and staff.

We will ensure each classroom is regularly stocked with disinfectant and hand sanitizer.

We will allow volunteers in school buildings by appointment.  Ultimate discretion on visitors and volunteers at schools will be handled through the principal’s office and they must follow all of the stated safety protocols.

Please understand that we will remain flexible to the changing health guidance and firm in seeking direction from public health experts. This includes promoting and creating access to the safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine.

We can’t wait to see our students and educators in just a few weeks and will work diligently to ensure we take all measures to keep our schools open for face-to-face full time learning! If you still have concerns or questions about your child returning to face-to-face learning, please reach out to your school so they can work alongside you to find the best educational option.


Debbie Brockett