Students win recognition in prose and poetry writing contest
Students win recognition in prose and poetry writing contest
Updates on masking, testing, cases and exposure notifications as well as FAQs.
Classified Employee Appreciation Week celebrates and honors the dedicated support staff who serve our students, schools and district.
Yamhill County Public Health is hosting a vaccine clinic at Wascher Elementary on Saturday, March 12 from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m.
Enter the Smart Start Sweepstakes for a chance to win $100 in an Oregon Savings Plan account.
Join MSD Tech TOSA Pam Canady for a virtual presentation on navigating district technologies, including eSchool, ParentSquare and Google Classroom.
New program, M.A.C. (Making A Change) Review, intends to honor MSD employees who have gone above and beyond.
Join school counselors Erika Fox (Duniway) and Katie (Newby) for an overview and explanation of the new social-emotional curriculum being taught at the elementary and middle school levels.
Updated: Yamhill County Public Health walk-in vaccine clinic at on Saturday, Feb. 12, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Unmasked indoor close contact in the K–12 school setting that occurs within 6 feet for 15 or more minutes constitutes exposure and warrants quarantine.