The McMinnville School Board of Directors seeks to make school facilities available for the widest possible school and community use. However, school functions and activities shall have priority over other uses. 

In consideration of the District’s granting permission to the applicant to use its school facility, applicant hereby is bound to the following terms and conditions.  

Submission of facilities use request shall constitute evidence that applicant has read these rules, regulations and procedures and agrees to observe them fully. 

  • Applicant shall be solely responsible for loss or damage to property or injury or death of any person or persons arising out of or connected in any way with the use of District facilities by the applicant.

  • A District employee must always be in the building during the use of the facility, except by special arrangement with the District Office. In addition, if kitchen facilities are to be used, an employee qualified to work in the kitchen is required for supervision.

  • Applicant accepts the facilities, including the premises and equipment, in the condition then existing, and expressly releases the District, its directors, officers, agent, employees and representative, from any and all claim damage, loss, expense or causes of action or causes of suit, arising out of or resulting from the use of the facilities by the applicant.

  • Applicant shall provide adequate supervision and shall be responsible for any improper conduct of the audience, both individually and collectively, while on school premises or utilizing the school facilities. Adult leaders of organizations using school facilities shall be present at the opening time and shall remain with their groups until all members have left the school premises. They shall be responsible for observance of all rules and regulations. Profane language, possession or use of intoxicating beverages and dangerous drugs, boisterous conduct, betting or any other objectionable practices will be ample reason for immediate termination of a permit. Smoking is not permitted on any school property.

  • Approval will not be granted for any meeting which may in any way be prejudicial to the best interest of the schools or for which satisfactory sponsorship and adequate adult supervision is not provided. This shall include proper policy and fire protection, if necessary. The applicant, in return for a permit to use school facilities, shall accept full responsibility for any damage to school property and agrees to protect, indemnify and save the District from all liability resulting from the use of said facility.

  • Applicant agrees to conform to all rules and regulations of the District. A) No decorations or applications of materials to the walls or floors will be allowed without permission of the school principal. All leaders or groups shall see to it that rooms, equipment and facilities are clean and in proper order before leaving. All such decorative items are to be removed by the groups at their own expense after the use of school facilities. The district will provide a supervisor who will make available the necessary cleaning materials and assist in an advisory capacity to the cleaning of the facility. Tipping of personnel provided by the District is not permitted. B) Standard approved gym shoes shall be required for all activity type games and dances on gym floors. C) Applicants shall return furniture to its original setting.

  • Applicant shall pay fees and charges applicable to such use as established by the District.

  • Applicant shall reimburse the District for all damages to the premises or property resulting from such use, other than ordinary wear and depreciation.

  • The applicant shall be aware that the District reserves the right to cancel any activity at any time.

  • A certificate of insurance with an endorsement naming McMinnville School District must be uploaded once an application is approved.


By submitting application, User certifies to have read the terms below and fully understand its contents.

  • Indemnification

    In consideration for use of the McMinnville School District’s (District) property, User agrees to waive and discharge any and all claims against the District and release it from liability for any loss regardless of cause, including claims for any negligent actions of the District or its employees or agents, to the fullest extent allowed by law, for User, its members, employees, agents, contractors, suppliers, or guests.  User also agrees to release, exonerate, discharge and Hold Harmless the District, its Board of Directors, the individual members thereof, and all officers, agents, employees, volunteers, and representatives from all liability, claims, causes of action, or demands, including attorney fees, arising out of injuries of any kind to User, or to its property, or losses of any kind which may result from or in connection with the use of the District’s facility, up to and including injuries stemming from the negligent actions of the District or its employees or agents.  User certifies and represents that it has the legal authority to waive, discharge, release, and hold harmless the released parties on behalf of itself and its members, employees, agents, contractors, suppliers, or guests.

  • Insurance

    The User agrees to carry, maintain, and provide proof of general liability insurance coverage with limits of not less than $1 million per occurrence and to name the District as a named insured under the general liability insurance policy.

  • Property Damage

    User agrees to reimburse the District for damage to the District’s property that is caused by User or User’s members, employees, agents, contractors, suppliers, or guests.

  • Alteration, addition, or improvement

    User shall not make alterations, additions, or improvements to District property or equipment.  If User makes an alteration, addition, or improvement in breach of this agreement, then the District in its sole discretion may require User to remove the alteration, addition, or improvement and restore the property to its original condition at User’s expense; these expressly stated remedies are in addition to all other available remedies.

  • Repairs, Maintenance, and Cleanup

    At User’s sole expense, User shall maintain in good repair the areas of the District’s property utilized under this Agreement.  As determined by the District’s sole discretion, User agrees to repair, replace, or compensate the District for any cleanup required or for any damage sustained to District property arising from User’s use of District property.  Upon User’s completion of use of the District’s property, the User shall leave the property in the same or better condition as received.

  • Right of Entrance

    The District retains the right to enter District property at all times during the term of this Agreement, including the property being used by User under this Agreement.

  • Accessibility

    The District warrants that the District’s facilities comply with all applicable regulations and guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The District has made every effort to make its premises accessible by removal of barriers wherever reasonable and has provided alternative services wherever barriers cannot be reasonably removed.  User shall be responsible for compliance with the ADA in connection with activities that are controlled by the User, and the District shall not be liable for any loss resulting from User’s failure to comply. 

    Anti-Discrimination Policy:  User warrants that it does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or any other protected status.  The District reserves the right to deny use of District facilities to groups that do not comply with the District’s anti-discrimination policy.

  • Bloodborne Pathogens

    User agrees to adhere to the federal and state OSHA standard pertaining to blood- borne pathogens and any necessary cleanup of blood or other body fluids. 

    District Name/Logo:  All uses of the District’s name or logo must be approved in writing by the District’s Superintendent prior to use.  User shall not state or imply that the District sponsors or endorses User or is responsible for User.

  • District Policies

    User agrees that the school property will be used in accordance with the District’s rules and School Board policies.  Note that smoking, or the use of any drug, alcohol, or tobacco products, is prohibited on all District property, including buildings and outdoor areas.

  • Modification

    No modification, amendment, or alteration to the terms or conditions contained herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document and signed by the District’s Superintendent.

  • Severability Clause

    This Agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by law.  If any provision or any part of any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or legally unenforceable for any reason, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and shall remain valid and fully enforceable.

  • Waiver

    Failure by the District to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of the provision or modification of this Agreement.  A waiver by the District of any breach of a provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach and shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this agreement.


  • Advance payment at the District Office at 800 NE Lafayette Ave., McMinnville, OR 97128 is required at least 7 business days prior to the first rental date. Office hours are  7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday.

  • Make checks payable to “McMinnville School District”

  • Any cancellation of an approved building rental must be made at least three (3) days in advance of the use date for a refund of charges.

Copyright © 2025 McMinnville School District. All rights reserved.