Isolation Updates Mcminnville School District Isolation Updates Mcminnville School District

More information on when isolation can end

(Spanish) As part of MSD’s ongoing mitigation efforts to keep our schools operating in-person, below are some clarifications to recent updates based on revisions by ODE/OHA.

  • What “Up To Date On Vaccinations” means (more details from the CDC)

    Within the K-12 setting, those who are up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations include:

    • Individuals 18 or older (including students) who have received all recommended vaccine doses, including boosters and additional primary shots for some immunocompromised people.
    • Youth 5-17 years who have completed the two-shot series of COVID-19 vaccines
  • Isolation and onset of symptoms

    Students and staff who have presumed or confirmed COVID-19, or are showing symptoms of COVID-19, should isolate regardless of vaccination status.

  • Individuals can end isolation after 5 full days since symptom onset  or positive test if they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication AND their other symptoms have improved.

    • Day 0 is the day symptoms began or the day the person took a test that had a positive result. Day 1 is the day after symptoms begin or, if a person does not have symptoms, the day after the person tested positive (use the date the test was collected).
    • If they continue to have fever or their other symptoms have not improved after 5 days of isolation, they should stay in isolation until they are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication and their other symptoms have improved.
    • Individuals should continue to wear a well-fitting mask (e.g., KN95) around others at home and in public places for 5 additional days (day 6 through day 10) after the end of their 5-day isolation.

The district’s goal is to keep our schools open for in-person learning and our extracurricular activities and athletics going. Thank you for working with us to make that happen