Thank you, staff, for all you do for students!

In March, we celebrate classified employees, honoring the dedicated support staff who play critical roles in our district. Classified employees are the secretaries, food service workers, educational assistants, custodians, maintenance workers and others who keep the schools and district operating smoothly.

On February 12, the McMinnville School Board declared the following proclamation as a formal acknowledgement of the efforts of our classified staff.


  • WHEREAS the education of our youth is imperative to our school district, to
    Oregon, to our nation, our world;
  • WHEREAS classified school employees in our school districts, education service
    districts and community colleges are the “backbone” of our public school system;
  • WHEREAS classified employees work directly with our children, staff, parents,
    volunteers, business partners and community members and are responsible for
    the transportation, nutrition and general well-being of our children as well as
    assisting certified staff in direct instruction;
  • WHEREAS classified employees ensure the smooth operation of our offices, the
    maintenance of buildings and property, and the safety of our staff and students
    and the community trusts them as important messengers about our schools;
  • WHEREAS our community depends on classified employees to serve students
    and other staff, often in challenging circumstances and classified employees,
    with their diverse talents and true dedication, nurture our youth throughout their
    K-12 years;

proclaiming March 4, 2024 through March 8, 2024 to be CLASSIFIED SCHOOL
EMPLOYEE WEEK in McMinnville, Oregon, and encourage all members of our
community to join in this observance recognizing the dedication and hard work
of these individuals.