McMinnville School District is facilitating a community conversation about raising healthy kids in the technology age and provide families, educators and community leaders with the tools they need to make strong decisions for the children in their lives. The effort is grounded in the book The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness by Jonathan Haidt.
Below are resources curated to provide families with more information on this topic and actions that support resilience.
Section 1: Learn More
Section 2: Family Strategies
Section 3: Online Safety for Kids
Section 4: Tech Help & How-Tos
Section 5: Community Activities & Resources
Note: the following resources were curated by the Raising Resilience Committee in preparation for community events. While the resources have been curated for educational purposes, please use them with caution and ensure they are reviewed and vetted by responsible adults for appropriateness and accuracy.
Learn More about "The Anxious Generation"
Family Strategies
Below are some strategies that families can explore to reduce screen time and increase independence and resilience.
Online Safety for Kids
Tech Help & How-Tos
The resources below are designed to help you put parental controls or blocks on technology to support the developmentally appropriate use of technology.
Community Activities & Resources
Volunteer Opportunities: