Budget Committe Mcminnville School District Budget Committe Mcminnville School District

Two positions open for three-year term

The McMinnville School District is seeking applicants for two vacancies on the district’s Budget Committee. Committee members serve for a three-year term. The term of office for these positions is July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027.

The committee normally conducts business in three evening public meetings held between March and May. The Budget Committee approves the budget document and forwards it to the school board for adoption. Individuals interested in serving on the Budget Committee must be registered to vote in the district and have lived in the district for at least one year. Candidates cannot be an officer, agent or employee of the district.

Budget Committee members will be appointed by the McMinnville School Board.

Those who wish to apply should send a letter of interest and/or resume to the address below. Applications are due by Friday, Jan. 31, 2025.

McMinnville School District
Attn: Cherice Bowden
800 NE Lafayette Avenue
McMinnville, OR  97128
Or email to: cbowden@msd.k12.or.us